
Showing posts from July, 2014


My little lady is 7 months old today. We've completed more than half of a year with this little lady and we've hit a groove.  Things are more or less settling in... we're figuring out naps, we're figuring out meals, night time routine is a set thing. Now... it's time for me. :) I've been all about her for a very long time.  It's time to make myself a little more of a priority.  I'm averaging a pedicure every 3.5 months, one workout a week, and pretty much no "me" time unless it's during a nap.  I'm going to kick it up a few notches. So here's a pledge (to myself).  3 minimum workouts a week.  1 pedicure every 3 weeks.  Small baby steps... but that's the only way we get anywhere these days.

Just When You Think It's Safe....

Today started out weird.  Her two hour morning nap was one hour.  We ended up pushing her second nap by 20 minutes because I had a breakfast date.  She came home and napped, but woke up from her second nap at 12:30.  This is pretty early.  There's no way she can make it to her 6:30 bedtime from 12:30.  I tried to put her down at 2:45 after running a few errands. She screamed bloody murder.  I tried to calm her down, but even holding her wouldn't work.  I'm fairly certain my neighbor might think I beat my child.  As soon as I took her out into the light this little monster looked at me with a tear-streaked face and a look of victory.  I decided to take her for a walk.  We walked around the neighborhood for 30 minutes and no dice.  At this point it's already 4pm... and she's way past the point of no return.  It starts to rain.  I decide to go to plan C and drive around until she's asleep.  It takes a solid 25 mi...

Chilling Out

In the past week we've taken a trip, had our little lady sleep in different places, carted out the Pack n' Play more often than ever and had her nap on the go a few times as our move is approaching.  If there's something I've learned during these few weeks it's that it's ok to do stuff with a baby.  Chances are that it'll all be fine.  I think the PTSD that's left over from the first few months is starting to wear off. The more chill we are the more chill she is and all is well.  She's a little older, a little wiser, and a little more chill.  Which makes us much more able to get things done. Moving will be quite the challenge.  We have 3 weeks to get things packed, do some renovations and move in... and our closing date and mortgage are all still in flux.  It's pretty much a done deal, but that "pretty much" part is what's worrying me a little.  Playing general contractor and having a baby at home is pretty interesting.  I had he...