
Showing posts from September, 2014

Work and that No Sleep situation

Thank god for block scheduling. I only have to teach two groups of students each day.  That's pretty sweet... especially since this particular day followed a night where we had 4 wake-ups.  This little girl has figured out that she sees me less during the day while I work and if she cries Mom shows up.  She doesn't really eat... just reaches out her adorable little hand through the darkness and feels my face.  Which is really cute! Except for that we're doing this four times a night?? Not so cute.  Mom's tired. I'm pretty much ready to nip this night-waking thing in the bud. But I'm not sure if she's teething or being social or actually hungry (which I doubt more than any of the other ones).  I'm going to start waiting longer and sending in dad occasionally which I didn't do before because I wasn't working... but those days are over.  :) I'm rolling around on empty... but work is still great.  I do love the scheduling, I love the abili...

Crawling on new floors:

Crawling on new floors:


We got back yesterday. Yan and I headed to Black Rock City in Nevada for the longest stretch I will ever get out there due to being a teacher.  I had this trip planned long in advance (before I knew I was switching jobs) and therefore had 5 days away.  This required much craziness.  It turned out that when I was hired this would involve me missing my first day of class with two of my classes due to block scheduling.  Also, this was in the middle of house construction, baby teething, and severe hormonal shifts in my body.  It wasn't great timing. We packed up and I had to make two days worth of sub plans for a block schedule with three preps.  I had to pack up the little lady and her food, supplies, clothing, and belongings for her travels to three different grandparent homes.  I had to prepare myself for pumping on the go for 5 days.  This was by far the most nerve-wracking thing.  I was very worried about the fact that I might lose my ab...