
Showing posts from June, 2015


Last weekend I met up with some sorority friends from college and we had a mama's weekend away.  There were 6 of us at the house.  I very quickly realized that I need to be much much happier with what I have and how lucky, fortunate, or even blessed I have been.  Of these wonderful ladies I was the only one that had no complications during birth or pregnancy and a very very healthy baby (knock on wood, spit, evil eye evil eye) thus far.  Two of these women had babies with congenital heart defects that required open heart surgery.  One of them had premature twins who needed to be fed through an NG tube for 11 months.  One of them struggled with infertility through two rounds of IVF.  All of them had families who provided less support than mine or they didn't ask for the support. I'm very very lucky.  I have a healthy little girl.  She's hilarious and happy and giggly and has quite the personality.  I have three sets of grandparents I ca...

Raising Myself

Dear lord.  I have always known that I'm a stubborn ass.  But this little girl of mine is showing me specifically how stubborn I truly am.  I know that this is all my fault.  My husband has none of this in him.  He isn't a manipulator.  He isn't stubborn.  He's very reasonable. This little girl has figure out how to play her parents very quickly.  We went from innocent babe to conniving little person pretty much within a week.  We made the sin of going into her room for her cries once and she has learned and evolved.  She had one night where she figure out that if she said mama and reached for me and gave me kisses I'd be more likely to stay so we stood there with her kissing me and petting my face for 3-5 minutes until I figured her out.  Then we had some screams.  We had a night where she wanted to sit in all of the chairs in the room.  We figured it out.  We had some screams.  Tonight she actually soiled he...