
Showing posts from February, 2016

33 weeks

It's official. My daughter is my daughter. We finally split a rocky road last night and she loved it. :). First ice cream that she loved! Hooray. In other news, clinginess and sleep regressions are going strong. We returned to CIO with her and we are all finally getting sleep. It's good, since we are about to stop sleeping for a long long time. Final touches, packing the bag for the hospital, getting clothes unpacked in the nursery, and getting ready for a two week stretch without 3/4 grandparents while they go tango in the canary islands. Life's just moving on.... We need to keep up! Baby boy is the size of a durian.

30 weeks

We're at 30 weeks.  10 weeks to go(ish) and our life currently looks like the photos below.  We're almost done with our kitchen remodel, the rest of our house is a complete disaster as it's been run over by our 2 year old and ourselves during the disarray and to top it off we've just wrapped up a week with pink-eye, some sort of bronchial disaster disease and a fever for Yan.  It's been a little nuts.  Hopefully the next 10 weeks will bring us some sort of normal prior to the crazy descending upon this home once again.  A big thanks to the grandparents as always for picking up Lilah, giving her eyedrops (only with the promise of fruit leather... or maybe just fruit leather no drops?) and babysitting last night so that Yan and I could go out and get huge bowls of spicy soup and watch a movie prior to coming home and working on electric and organization in the kitchen.  No way we would be able to get all of this done without their help of keeping little lad...