Baby Boy Pritzker- Birthday Story

Welp! It's over. Just like that. Here's our birth story. First- the short version with the few details for the squeamish, and then the long one with all of the nitty gritty that you can decide whether or not to read. Baby boy Pritzker (name TBA in 8 days at Bris) was born April 30th at 12am on the dot. Literally. The hospital says that means it's an April 30th bday, but I feel like it could have gone either way. :) 8lb. 2oz. Only 1 oz. heavier than his sister. His labor however, was anything but the same. Read on if you're not squeamish. ************************************************************************* We got to the hospital at 10am to check in. We were due for an induction since this little stinker hadn't made any progress in 42 weeks. Already a whole different story from last time... where I was already transitioning and hardcore contracting. This time... we stopped at a bakery and Trader Jo...