6 months
:) I'm waking up 2-3 times a night now. Things are improving. My husband and I are in the same bedroom and baby is in his crib. We're almost to crawling. We get on all fours and rock back and forth. Our scalp is itchy as all get-out and he is constantly clawing at himself regardless of how short his nails are and how much vaseline/ coconut oil/ cocoa butter I have on his head. He's adorable and has the best gosh-darned attitude of anyone I know. Today he grabbed the opening of my La Croix can and gashed his little finger pretty hard... we got a bit of a sad face and then instant smiles as I tried to grab his finger. He thinks the whole world is a big game. It's pretty great. Lilah is getting better with the big sister thing now that he's a little more interactive. She still freaks out but I think that's more having to do with her being a 2 almost 3-year-old and less with the fact that she thinks she's getting sidelined. ...