The Mama Work Balance and the Double Bind
So... there's this job. It's the job that I've literally wanted since I was about 23 years old. I pretty much structured my entire professional life around this job. I got a master's degree. I put in the time at another school doing this job (exceptionally well I might add). I had a baby. I quit the job at the other school. I moved to a different new school knowing that the opportunity to get this new job would open up in a few years. I planned to have my babies before this job opened so that if I was ready, it would be ready for me. I applied for the job. There were 5 rounds of interviews for the job. I didn't get past round 1. I was crushed. I haven't really ever faced a professional defeat. It isn't a thing. I usually set my mind to something and get it. This one was different. I was so stressed out about getting the job that I choked. I didn't make myself clear to my interviewers and I fel...