
Showing posts from December, 2017

Enough Said Cuteness

The Madness of Daily Life

Get up 6:20.  Shower. Get dressed.  Out the door by 7am.  Drive to school.  Get to Key Club or student meeting.  Make protein shake.  Teach.  Walk out of school at 3:30.  At school by 4pm. Pick up kids.  Run home while they snack from one of 5 snacks stored in the car.  Run to store while they sit with nanny.  Make dinner.  Yan walks in at 6pm.  Eat.  Bath for Noah at 6:30, Lilah at 7:00.  Both kids asleep by 8.  Collapse on couch.  Watch one thing.  In bed by 9:30.  Rinse.  Repeat. I have to say that regardless of the routine and the repetition, this is pretty good.  The home stuff allows me to not get caught up in the work.  The work allows me to not get caught up in the kids and obsess over details.  I like it. The kids are particularly delicious. Lilah is figuring out the big sister thing.  She plays with Noah, she likes being his center.  He loves her an...