The Secret Truth
I still love being pregnant. Sure, there are days when I don't feel like I can "look pretty" without heaps of effort... and bending over to put on boots is really quite the adventure. But for the most part... there's a magic to it. Furthermore, I'm really resentful towards all of the stupid woman magazines for putting such a focus on what the body looks like during pregnancy as opposed to what this body can do! I have friggin' superpowers and never looked forward to having them. I've always been a person that wanted kids and loved them... you know that creepy chick that smiles at every kindergartener she comes across? That's me. But I always thought I would want to pick my baby up at approximately 1-2 years of age and then move forward from that point. And I'll tell you what... so far? I think being knocked up is the best. I really only have 8 weeks left and if 32/40 scores an A++, I'm not really all that concerned about the last 8 weeks part. My hips have hurt occasionally, I have random spider veins in weird places, and my left sacrospinous ligament might be a busted rubber band at some times, but this is really no big deal in the grand scope of things. Maybe it's the yoga, maybe it's sitting on a ball at work, maybe it's genetics... but I am done walking around keeping this to myself like a dirty secret. I'm going to be loud and proud about it... just not to high schoolers. ;-)
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