Surviving My First Weekend "Alone"

This weekend Yanik decided to head to NOLA with the boys for a reunion. I was terrified. I very nearly sat down and had a hissy fit a few times during the week leading up to his leaving. Especially a few days prior to his retreat. She had a hissy fit for approximately 3 hours where I couldn't get her down which ended in me roaming the streets with her in the stroller screaming and me crying hysterically. It wasn't pretty. I didn't break down though. I put forth a brave face (kinda) and told Yanik to go and have a good time. I'll get my getaway eventually and will have this as a bargaining chip. ;-)

I had everyone on deck. Yanik's parents were here every night for bedtime, my dad stopped by with Galia and hamantaschen and caviar (necessary reinforcements), and my mom and grandma were here twice as well. I was never alone except for nights and mornings. Which actually made it significantly easier to take on the little lady. I was able to face my fears with her since I knew I had backup. It was kind of like making a cheat sheet for a test. You never end up actually needing it, but it feels so good to have it there to begin with. I'm very very lucky to have such a support system. I'll just keep saying that over and over. I even got out to have a drink at a bar on Saturday night. :)
Overall... I lived. And I kinda loved bonding with my little lady. She and I are officially friends.
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