Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder...

Today was much rougher than yesterday. I am realizing how little time I actually get with this little girl of mine... she wakes up, I scoop her up and feed her and off we go in the car seat. I come down and visit her 3-4 times throughout the day to feed her and burp her... and each time she looks significantly more tired. She's got these sad little bags under her eyes by the time the day is over. She's a little zombie... she isn't sleeping at all unless they go on a walk outside. Then I bring her home, we get an hour or two together and then it's bedtime. That's changed as well. She's so tired by the end of the day that she literally falls asleep while nursing. She's just zonked. I have to move her around to finish eating... she wakes up once or twice and then she's done. No rocking, no walking... she just doesn't have the fight in her by the end of the day.
It's absolutely insane... but I miss her fighting spirit. :) It's true you can't have it both ways... but in 10 weeks I'll have her back for the summer!
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