The First Mother's Day

This week was May 9th... the really big holiday in Russia that celebrates victory of the Soviets over the Germans in WWII.  The Soviets lost more than any other group during WWII, including the jews... with a total of around 20 million.  It's a big deal.  When my grandfather was alive (who fought in WWII) we would always visit him with flowers and he would wear all of his medals and we would congratulate him on surviving the greatest war and stopping the Nazis so that we (as jewish folk) could continue living and be here prospering.

Thank everything that is holy that I will never have to live through a World War or stand on the front lines of battle.  But at the same time I think now more of my grandmother... who had my father while my grandfather was still away cleaning up the mess that WWII left behind in Europe and how she spent all of her first years as a mother on her own without a partner.  I also think about how she was a generally happy and warm woman who always gave to others without complaint... and how incredible that really is. Because on this first Mother's Day of mine... I was spoiled rotten. :)

I have a wonderful husband who put our little girl down for naps, who took her out for a walk while I got a massage and then got me an ice cream pie.  I have my dad who came by and sat at our house while she slept so that my husband and I could go out for dinner and drinks with friends.  I have both my mother and my grandmother who I get to go have brunch with this afternoon.

The deal is this.  I have it good.  I have it great, even.  The 4th month with this little lady has been incredible and much much easier.  She's great, my support system is incredible... and I'm just one happy mama.

Happy Mother's day to all of my friends and family.  Take a moment to revel in how incredible you are as a lady to bring a life into this world and give to it continuously.  Take a moment to hug your mama if she's still around... and if she isn't just remember how amazing she once was and more importantly how you're still passing that love on to your kids.  It's a fabulous fabulous day.


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