4 months

We've made it to 4 months.  Here are some quick lessons learned (as I rarely have time to sit and reflect anymore).

1) Two kids is harder.  It's doable, but just barely.  Especially with the whole 2 year old and infant spread.  That's rough.  Thank the lord for the nanny (Inna) who is amazing and a godsend.  Only because of her am I able to still spend quality time with all eyes on Lilah, and get to the store or have a little time to get some cooking done.  I think back on the stressful times with one kid and it really seems like that was not such a big deal.  It's kind of incredible how just when you think this is all you can handle, you get a little more and can handle that as well.  I am sure that's how folks with 3 and 4 and more handle it, but we ourselves are done.

2) Noah is the sweetest baby of all time.  He's just so enjoyable.  He smiles and sings and is constantly amazed at the world.  He stinks in the car occasionally, but even that is getting better.  We spray saline nose spray up his nose and he just takes it and continues on being sweet.  We are not used to such treatment and are seriously enjoying him.

3) Lilah is taking this big sister thing slowly, however the break through moments are so incredibly sweet it's amazing.  She pets him and loves him and is almost more scared than jealous.  She is just always worried... and it takes a lot of my energy to assure her that things are ok, she is just as loved, and that he will eventually become her best friend.

4) Noah sees her as his moon and his stars.  He follows her with his eyes constantly and loves her to pieces.

5) I'm a lucky woman and this goes by way too quickly.  I cannot believe we've spent a third of a year with this little guy.  It goes by faster and faster and it's kinda uncool....

6) HOWEVER I'm very read to sleep again.  We're still up 4-6 times a night and Noah sleeps with me and Yan is in the basement.  This is a phase I'm ready to end.

7) He smiles when he falls asleep.  It's adorable.

All in all, motherhood is good.  Being back at work while waking up so often is rough, but it's making me more appreciative of the time I have with my kids.  


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