Milestones and Summer
This is going to be a little lengthy, as I haven't written in a while. The reason for my lack of writing is frankly my surplus of parenting. :) The kids are home with me for the summer and the summer of 14 months and 3.5 years is proving to be a handful. Lilah is a legit person. She speaks in crazy complex sentences and knows words in Russian that I don't know. She was sitting and working on a Play-doh pony and making the mane. I said that was some very pretty hair, and she said... "Мама, это не волосы, это грива." Well dang. She and I have come to a rhythm. We didn't jive super well at the beginning, she was getting used to me and the routine and I was getting used to her and her ways. She brings me to my first observation of stay-at-home-parenting. Leaving kids for hours every day is better for me, but it isn't really better for my parenting. I feel like I'm a much better parent when there isn't that pull-and-adjust on t...