Milestones and Summer
This is going to be a little lengthy, as I haven't written in a while. The reason for my lack of writing is frankly my surplus of parenting. :) The kids are home with me for the summer and the summer of 14 months and 3.5 years is proving to be a handful.
Lilah is a legit person. She speaks in crazy complex sentences and knows words in Russian that I don't know. She was sitting and working on a Play-doh pony and making the mane. I said that was some very pretty hair, and she said... "Мама, это не волосы, это грива." Well dang.
She and I have come to a rhythm. We didn't jive super well at the beginning, she was getting used to me and the routine and I was getting used to her and her ways. She brings me to my first observation of stay-at-home-parenting. Leaving kids for hours every day is better for me, but it isn't really better for my parenting. I feel like I'm a much better parent when there isn't that pull-and-adjust on the daily. Just being present and actually submitting to the fact that I'm here and it is what it is makes my parenting that much more enjoyable. I can see why the travel and the working makes parenting harder. The kids aren't used to me, I'm not used to them, our routines are poop and it makes everyone so much more resentful. Just being here every day is much easier on them, and they become happier little people. Happier little people are much more enjoyable to parent.
At the same time... I miss people. I miss adults. I miss adult conversation, and thank the lord that we hired a nanny for a few hours every morning so that I can get out and do yoga and focus a little on me. It's usually during Noah's nap and Lilah's in camp so nobody misses me and I get to work on myself a little. Which I sorely needed. It's time for mama to wear the other half of her closet again and donate every single extra-large maternity item. :)
Noah is hilarious. He's completely mischievous and knows exactly what he's doing. He runs away when he's asked to come and laughs like he's the funniest person on the planet. He says the following things: "papit', eto, tuda, mama, papa, Lilah, no, da, otkrit', aaaakrit' (how he says close). He loves spicy and sour food, and could really care less about all foods that his picky sister eats (aka bland food). He naps twice and still does this thing when you take him up to nap or he's tired, he just gives up and sticks his thumb in his mouth sighs and collapses in your arms murmuring the entire time. Delicious. He loves all switches. He loves opening and closing things that he has no business opening or closing. He loves biting his sister who reacts with adorable passiveness and a shocked upset. He loves trying to drown himself in the swimming pool. In general... he's a lot of work but the very very best kind.
We're leaving the kids for a trip to SF on Thursday. I'm really starting to stress about it. I'm sure I'll have a blast and they will be fine, but I really do get why us leaving isn't the best for them. It might be just the ticket for their parents though. Hanging out with my husband for extended time and then with girlfriends for a few days in Florida is just the thing mid summer for a reboot. <3
Lilah is a legit person. She speaks in crazy complex sentences and knows words in Russian that I don't know. She was sitting and working on a Play-doh pony and making the mane. I said that was some very pretty hair, and she said... "Мама, это не волосы, это грива." Well dang.
She and I have come to a rhythm. We didn't jive super well at the beginning, she was getting used to me and the routine and I was getting used to her and her ways. She brings me to my first observation of stay-at-home-parenting. Leaving kids for hours every day is better for me, but it isn't really better for my parenting. I feel like I'm a much better parent when there isn't that pull-and-adjust on the daily. Just being present and actually submitting to the fact that I'm here and it is what it is makes my parenting that much more enjoyable. I can see why the travel and the working makes parenting harder. The kids aren't used to me, I'm not used to them, our routines are poop and it makes everyone so much more resentful. Just being here every day is much easier on them, and they become happier little people. Happier little people are much more enjoyable to parent.
At the same time... I miss people. I miss adults. I miss adult conversation, and thank the lord that we hired a nanny for a few hours every morning so that I can get out and do yoga and focus a little on me. It's usually during Noah's nap and Lilah's in camp so nobody misses me and I get to work on myself a little. Which I sorely needed. It's time for mama to wear the other half of her closet again and donate every single extra-large maternity item. :)
Noah is hilarious. He's completely mischievous and knows exactly what he's doing. He runs away when he's asked to come and laughs like he's the funniest person on the planet. He says the following things: "papit', eto, tuda, mama, papa, Lilah, no, da, otkrit', aaaakrit' (how he says close). He loves spicy and sour food, and could really care less about all foods that his picky sister eats (aka bland food). He naps twice and still does this thing when you take him up to nap or he's tired, he just gives up and sticks his thumb in his mouth sighs and collapses in your arms murmuring the entire time. Delicious. He loves all switches. He loves opening and closing things that he has no business opening or closing. He loves biting his sister who reacts with adorable passiveness and a shocked upset. He loves trying to drown himself in the swimming pool. In general... he's a lot of work but the very very best kind.
We're leaving the kids for a trip to SF on Thursday. I'm really starting to stress about it. I'm sure I'll have a blast and they will be fine, but I really do get why us leaving isn't the best for them. It might be just the ticket for their parents though. Hanging out with my husband for extended time and then with girlfriends for a few days in Florida is just the thing mid summer for a reboot. <3
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