Freak out, nada, and 3 other things...

So... we're still here! 

Today was my midwife appointment for my 40.5 weeks.  I went in, got checked with an exclamation of "holy cow, that baby is low!" from the midwife (so much to all of those doubters who keep telling me I haven't "dropped yet"), got an ultrasound where all was pronounced to be great and I got to see the little lady's liver, kidneys, spine, and legs (HOW did all of that just happen?!), and then got a stupid non-stress test.  Why stupid you might ask?  Well... it was right around 11.  And 11 happens to be the time that my little lady loves to sleep.  So they didn't like the results and made me chug ice water and eat two chocolate cookies (those were actually really good) and she moved a bit, but still not enough so it was declared that I failed my test and I was sent off to the hospital.  I heard her heart the whole time and it was steady so I knew she was still alright... but still.

I freaked.  

I called Yan and he came out to meet me (which was good, because I didn't realized how freaked out I was until he told me he was coming and I almost busted out crying) at the hospital.  When I got there my blood pressure was 130/ 82 which was also really high (but I was freaking out) and they gave me apple juice and told me to lay on my side.  By the time Yan got there I was already starting to calm down, and within about 10 minutes of him getting there my stats were more reasonable, and within an hour I was back to my usual 106/70.  :) They let me go after 2 hours of monitoring.  Oi vei.

Then I headed back to work where it was more of the same 3 reactions people have to me at this point at work:
1) "You're still HERE?!"
2) Hysterical laughter.
3) Nervous side-glances and quickly darting eyes searching for an exit/chair to offer me/ water to boil.

Now here we are! Home.  Still no dice.  But at least I know this little lady is just one chill stubbourn sleeper.  There are worse things in life. :) 


  1. Oy Jessya, what a day! :( Hang in there and an easy L&D for when the d-day arrives.
    FYI - I had a similar freak out during my non-stress test when I was 7 days past due and they almost sent me to the hospital because Henry-booger wasn't showing signs of movement they were expecting, but that's because he too, was sleeping! They gave me another chance and had me eat a bunch more nuts, flipping to another side while I was getting tested somehow worked. I went home, then 2 days later into labor. I can feel things will happen soon. :)


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