Week 39
Oh boy!
Here we go folks. This is the final stretch. And boy is it a mind game. I'm ready. Like actually ready. And I feel like as long as the two of us are together, we can get through this. I'm fairly calm... and the only thing that keeps getting me all riled up are the people who check up on me daily at this point asking "how you doin?" "there yet?" "nervous?"... I love all of these people and I know that they are trying to help but it's literally the only conversation that a girl has at this point in her pregnancy. And if you feel good, but still have all of these people around you asking if you're ok... you start to wonder if you're ok. So I'm trying not to go there.
Today I feel pretty great, yesterday was a rough day. My ligaments are pretty much tired rubber bands at this point. It's very very questionable whether or not my legs are able to function or do what I ask them to at any given point. The downward pressure from little lady's head is also pinching some fairly important nerves, so by the end of the day after sitting with many many folks who we love I was pretty much done. Today I'm running around doing laundry and finishing up some things... so life is better. I need to move more!
Our dear friends also left yesterday for their year-long adventure. Very very sad. They'll miss the arrival of LLP and will be back when she's already a very different little lady... but who knows?! Maybe we'll go down under to go visit, or maybe they'll come back early due to broken-heartedness. ;-)
Alright! Here's to my last days as a woman that doesn't own "Mama" status! Have to make those count.
Here we go folks. This is the final stretch. And boy is it a mind game. I'm ready. Like actually ready. And I feel like as long as the two of us are together, we can get through this. I'm fairly calm... and the only thing that keeps getting me all riled up are the people who check up on me daily at this point asking "how you doin?" "there yet?" "nervous?"... I love all of these people and I know that they are trying to help but it's literally the only conversation that a girl has at this point in her pregnancy. And if you feel good, but still have all of these people around you asking if you're ok... you start to wonder if you're ok. So I'm trying not to go there.
Our dear friends also left yesterday for their year-long adventure. Very very sad. They'll miss the arrival of LLP and will be back when she's already a very different little lady... but who knows?! Maybe we'll go down under to go visit, or maybe they'll come back early due to broken-heartedness. ;-)
Alright! Here's to my last days as a woman that doesn't own "Mama" status! Have to make those count.
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