The meaning of mama...

Yesterday brought a new realization.  Lilah knows who her mama is.  And she likes her.  :)

We had a tough day yesterday.  We brought her to the doctor and she got some vaccines for her 2-month check up in preparation for going to day care in a little over a month.  We were warned that she might be fussier than usual.  We brought her to dad's house and then I had to go out for two hours on my own.  Dad and Grandpa were left with the little lady.  When I came back Grandpa informed me that he got to hear her scream it out for the first time.  When she woke up she was seriously upset.  I took her to nurse and it required me to walk around the bedroom and shush her at the same time continuously for 10 minutes straight in order for her to calm down enough to latch on.  She was pretty much attached to me for the rest of the day.  Every time I wandered away she would freak.  Strangely enough... I found this craziness endearing.  I understand that it could all come down to the fact that she's stress eating and wants her buffet within arm's reach... but it was still lovely to know that all of this crazy is paying off and being appreciated by my little lady.

Today during bath time we switched it up and Yan shampooed her and I was there to take her out of the bath.  It was the first time she didn't pitch a fit once we puller her out of the water.  Again... it could be so many different factors (we put cardboard over her windows and she napped more today, it was warmer in the bathroom because my genius husband pre-heated it, she engaged with both of us more today)... but still.  I will go ahead and feel good about the fact that my presence counts to my kiddo and she's forming a bond with me.  I feel good about that.  It's the first step to having a meaningful relationship with my little daughter.


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