4 Weeks

Huh? How did this happen specifically? Although March was a long long time ago theoretically, it did fly by!  On one hand it feels like the day before my birthday almost every day... and I have around 4 weeks of this left... so that can get old, on the other hand all of the ladies that are due before me have delivered (yay for BB!!), and so things are getting very very real.  The good news is that I feel ready.  We finished our classes, we took an extra one (that wasn't really needed), and all we have left is to pack the bag for the hospital.

Now the downside...
I could use a little more sleep.  I know that this is one of the cruelest jokes that mother nature has in store for me.  The whole waking up 4 times a night thing is getting pretty old and might be the thing that wears me down the quickest.  At least I'm good at falling straight back to sleep!  I know things won't really be much better once the baby comes... but at least I won't be working and will be able to nap during the day a bit.  Weekends are much much easier.  :)  The aches and pains (specifically the dang round ligaments) are getting more intense, but I've really just gotten used to my new normal.


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