The No-Birth Present
My brilliant friend Becky introduced this concept to me, and I think it's time that we implement the idea of a no-birth present. The excitement and "looking forward" energy can be a little much, and each week seems like it's right around the corner, and then you realize "oh wait... there's another month!" and it just seems crazy. So! No-Birth Presents! I'm going to schedule something lovely and fancy for myself each week of pregnancy that remains... and if I don't go into labor, it will be like a gift or goal to look forward to. It's such a strange concept to want this thing that has to come out to get bigger before it comes out... I want this little lady to be strong and have great brain and lung development... but this sucker still has to come barreling out... and that makes me nervous at times. But I think we'll be alright. If little ladies that I know did it... then there must be a reason that Hashem gave me these big ol' birthing hips. :) So! Mani-Pedi this week, massage next week, and who knows what the week after that. I have (at most) 7 weeks left. And that is something to smile about.
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