Crazy Days

Summary of the past two days:
Wake up, put baby down for nap after breakfast.  Make phone calls to flooring store, scour Craigslist for garden/ lawn items, make phone calls.  Get baby up, stick her in the car.  Take a trip to flooring store, meet with flooring sales folks, get floor.  Drive home, put baby to sleep.  Mom-in-law comes to watch baby.  Leave baby.  Drive to house, trim all hedges with hedge trimmer, meet with flooring installation folks, pull weeds from around the yard, get an estimate for a deck refinishing, get an estimate from an electrician.  Take out lock from back door, start installing lock, meet second electrician. Race home, put baby down to sleep.  Collapse on couch after shower while my wonderful husband brings me bins of stuff to go through to prepare for the donation pick up the following morning.  Watch Top Chef.

Wake up. Have breakfast, play with baby.  Put baby down for nap.  Find a patio set on Craigslist.  Follow up with flooring sales folks who didn't end up getting wood yesterday, but can today. Order wood floors.  Set up estimate for tile. Baby wakes up, feed her, take her to Wiggleworms (best part of day).  Get baby home, put her down for nap.  Watch 1/2 episode of Top Chef.  :) Find a ladder for the house on Craigslist.  Get baby up, drive to new house.  Sign contract with floor installer, meet with electrician and discuss plans.  Talk with Amit (who's supplying our radiant floor heating) and facilitate discussion with the electrician.  Discuss installation plan of floors while juggling baby on hip.  Run upstairs, breastfeed the kid, put her down and try to install a lock on the front door while entertaining her and answering electrician questions.  Finish one lock, get half way through second one until baby melts down.  Take baby home late, have dinner ((fish tacos with quinoa and kimchi) cooked by incredible husband)), put baby down for sleep.  Send off husband to go to pick up lawnmower, meet the patio set guy at house and install second lock.  

Dude y'all.  I'm tired.  And could use a beer.  

6 days until we move.  


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