First Week Complete

This week was nuts.

I had a crazy flu/cold all the while taking kids on Shadow Day field trips, public speaking, mediating drama between students and teachers, and helping close out an auction and organizing a pep assembly... which I actually emceed for the first time ever with practically no voice and a fever.

Dear lord in heaven.

Here's what I've learned:

1.  I can't do everything.  I need help.  I need to tell others more often when I do need help.  I'm getting better at this (I delegated at work a lot better/ asked for assistance).
2.  The teachers and support staff at my school are dear and wonderful supportive folks.
3.  There's a common bond between all parents of colicky babies.  Every time I uttered the words "she's colicky" to a parent who survived this craziness they shudder and immediately try to hug me.  PTSD isn't just from wars.
4.  I miss my child more than I thought I would.  She's super cute and weekends are going to start meaning much more to me.
5.  Things have got to change in my life.  My first week back was a 50 hour work week and I even managed to edge out of my Variety Show duties tonight (really though... I did have a fever all week).
6.  9 weeks left until the end and I CAN do this.


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