The end is nigh...

Tomorrow is my last day of maternity leave.  It's pretty crazy that I haven't been "working" for 15 weeks.  I'm so excited to go back to "work" because it's a hell of a lot easier than sitting home with a baby.  My days have literally just melded into one continuous stream, and they have flown by.  FLOWN.  I don't think I really truly believe that this little lady flew out of me over 3 months ago!  So here are some of my take aways, and things I'm freaking out over.

  • I think it's going to be very very good for her to get out of our house.  I don't know how much more laying around on the same play gym she really could have taken.
  • I'm worried about her getting sick.  I know it's going to happen almost instantly and she's been healthy this entire time (knock on wood).  She isn't exactly an easy baby and I'm very scared of how she'll be when sick.
  • I'm very ready to talk to adults.  There is oh-so-much drama where I work, mostly with adults but also because I deal with teens on a daily basis... and this drama seems like such child's play compared to actual child's play.
  • This is my crazy season at work.  I planned this baby very very carefully, and this coming week is the beginning of a two month stretch of crazy.  I'm concerned about balancing her and work and getting some sleep in there as well...
  • I'm worried about how much more will now be on my wonderful husband.  I've been on 100% night duty since he went back to work at week 2, and I don't think that's going to hold up now that I have to wake up 2 hours earlier every day.
  • I'm TERRIFIED of commuting with her.
  • The upside is that it will be summer in 10 weeks... regardless of what happens... we'll be home again together then.  She'll be a little older and wiser and the weather (hopefully) will be much much better and we can go play outside without dressing for arctic conditions.
  • Sleep.  I'm very worried about sleep.  This child will definitely have to get sleep trained sometime soon if she doesn't start sleeping more.  We had 4 wake-ups last night, and the night before.  
  • Naps.  She doesn't nap.  I hope she learns how in day care.
  • There are many family members that have made it very very clear to me that they don't think that daycare is the right thing.. and probably would have been much much happier if I would have stayed home.  I'm totally ok with disappointing them.  :)  I'm way too practical to miss out on an additional income... and I literally think I would lose my mind.  I am not made for infants.  Maybe when she's 2, 3, or 4?? But probably not... I just love to work.
Ok!  I could keep going.... but I won't.  Because as my favorite quote reads "worrying doesn't empty tomorrow of its troubles, it empties today of its strength."  

So giddy-up!  I'll enjoy tomorrow as much as I can... and then it's off to adult land!


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