Just When You Think It's Safe....

Today started out weird.  Her two hour morning nap was one hour.  We ended up pushing her second nap by 20 minutes because I had a breakfast date.  She came home and napped, but woke up from her second nap at 12:30.  This is pretty early.  There's no way she can make it to her 6:30 bedtime from 12:30.  I tried to put her down at 2:45 after running a few errands.

She screamed bloody murder.  I tried to calm her down, but even holding her wouldn't work.  I'm fairly certain my neighbor might think I beat my child.  As soon as I took her out into the light this little monster looked at me with a tear-streaked face and a look of victory.  I decided to take her for a walk.  We walked around the neighborhood for 30 minutes and no dice.  At this point it's already 4pm... and she's way past the point of no return.  It starts to rain.  I decide to go to plan C and drive around until she's asleep.  It takes a solid 25 minutes of driving around with her screaming until she finally passes out.  I circle around, and after 10 minutes pull into the garage and she wakes up instantly and bursts into tears again.

Dear lord.  It's been a long day.  Thank the lord it's Friday and tomorrow I get to have a day away learning about school gardens.  Dad gets a turn.  :)

Oi.  Just when you think you have it down a day like this happens and you think "nope, definitely not."


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