Bad Days

So I've become addicted to the show "Scandal" while being home with baby.  40 minute episodes are perfect for a baby that will NEVER take a nap longer than 40 minutes (this should change sometime soon I'm told, but dear lord that time can't happen soon enough).  In the show there is a secret agency that trains assassins... blah blah blah... but the point is that in order to punish these assassins they put them in "the hole" for a week or a month or so and take away all human contact.  

This reminds me of motherhood on bad days.

For an extrovert such as myself staying home with baby all day long is really really hard.  Friends are busy during the work week with things such as work and busy with their own children on the weekends... and by the time the husband comes home my brain is fried and his is too and socializing is a thing that is just hard.

It's kind of like napping.  Babies supposedly nap worse when they are overtired.  I socialize worse when I'm under-socialized.  Rough cycle.

Anyhow.  Work will be back in 4 weeks thanks be to the lord.  I know I'll be sad about it then.  I know I'll miss this time with the little lady.  But days like this are hard too dammit. 

So not good.  Not at all.  But it's 9:28pm, and I'm heading to sleep to reboot and start anew.


  1. I remember those bad days. On one hand, you want to be back at work doing all the things that constitute a normal day. I remember having serious crying jags about not being at work. Then, when you go back to work, you'll long for that quiet. In the end, I find myself living for breaks when you can have the balance of being social (with events of your choosing!) while out and about with the little one. Spring Break can't get here soon enough!

    1. Thanks lady. It's true! It's a situation where it's just not easy one way or the other. I guess that's why they say parenthood is hard work. :/ I'll see you soon!


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