Our First Family Cold

Baby came down with her first cold last weekend (which is pretty great considering she's almost 10 months old).  She was pretty whiney and sniffly and got over it by Monday morning for the most part.  48 hours of tough.  Not so bad.  We woke up sick on Tuesday morning, and it's just been getting worse.  She's sleeping well now, but we're slightly destroyed.  Things I've learned:

1.  Thank the lord for daycare on days such as this.  Taking care of a baby while sick yourself shouldn't be legal.  Thank you daycare... I love you.

2.  Baby breastfeeding while congested sounds like a little piglet.  Very sad, very funny-  I struggle between giggling and feeling very very sorry for her.

3. Parents that have sick babies are really so incredible.  I think about people who have babies that are born with health complications and the kind of resolve that they must have.  Knock-on-wood, I have new found respect and admiration and compassion for you.

4.  Waking up at night while sick yourself is incredibly less fun.  My spidey-sense is completely turned off and I ram into things while wheezing and coughing.  It's pretty pitiful.

So here's to the fact that this was just a cold.  I'll raise my mug of honeyed-tea.


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